Life Edit Therapy

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Celebrating the Unseen

Today was offering generous unclaimed parcels of time. Typically, unscheduled time lends itself to anxiety, but a cooler mind prevails. I thoughtfully laid out my day with quantifiable tasks, fueling hope of accomplishment. Feeling energized, I slipped on some capris and a tank top, chose my favorite herbal tea, and began my day. Because you’re smart and know where this story is headed, I’ll summarize today’s events with two phrases: doggie matter (both ends - cue steam cleaner) and family situation.

Like watching a train wreck in slow motion, one box car of expectations and intentions after another derailed, leaving chaos and new demands that were exhausting. The antecedents to this wreckage appeared suddenly, disarming my confidence and replacing it with anxiety. As any competent woman does on occasion, by midday, I fell to my knees and sobbed.

My leaking labradoodle Archer heard those sobs and moved close. His gentle pawing at my unresponsive hands led to a furry head under my chin. This sweet boy lifted my face, which he caressed with licks (the same tongue graced by vomit earlier). His pursuit and presence caught me off guard, and like relief provided by a cool shower on a hot day, I felt at ease. “Yes, I will look into those root beer eyes and receive your love. And yes, we will figure this out and find our way through.” It’s a high-value moment that went unseen by all but me. Priceless.

It’s night, and I am bone tired. The cynical part of me questions my physical and emotional tenacity, mockingly suggesting that I too easily fold under the pressure of a bit of doggie excrement and familial demands. Yet tonight, the higher mind and wiser self push back. There is more to the story than meets my sometimes critical eye.

Archer is a rescue, and his first ten weeks have been both joyous and exhausting for him and us. The extended family issues are complicated; no one is at fault, and no easy answers are in sight. Life can be complex and messy at the most inopportune times. It’s the plight of being alive. I arose to the unwanted challenges of today and was led by what I value, yet I have nothing visible to show for it. The unclaimed parcel of time that seemingly went awry yielded a different version of provision and beauty - though unseen.

Too often, I tend to equate the unseen as unimportant. The unnoticed accomplishments, connection with living beings, and ways I respond to what gets tossed in my path. Under closer inspection, those unseen movements often reflect what I value.

Tonight, I invite the unseen outcomes to stand boldly next to the seen and nudge the unseen to lay down the inferiority complex. As I turn off the lamp and curl up for the night, I imagine my seen and unseen accomplishments holding hands while the seen whispers to her new friend, “Thank you for showing up today. Well done.”